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Theres a huge demand for the Irish

This is the time of the year when speculations rise about transfers to and from football clubs in England. This time the rumoured are the Republic of Irelands elite, with no fewer than three of our boys linked with huge clubs, and more importantly huge career opportunities.

Shay Given : Newcastle United are now fearing that they will loose himself, as on Saturday 20th, this month, Shay was offered a five year contract but refused to sign. This was because he was unhappy with the trems. Shay could be gone before his present deal runs out next season 02-03'. Celtic enquired two months while Manchester United are constantly monitoring the situation. A club insider said "The Club may have to sell or risk loosing him on a free transfer".

Steve Finnan: Although Fulhams season is safe, with no real risk of relegation, Finnans performance not only for the Republic but for Fulham have been monitored closely. Hes been linked to Manchester United now for some five months, however he told Football, that he had no intentions of moving. But Sir Alex wants him, and hes had scouts at at least 10 games this season at Fulham .

Damien Duff: Again not an extraordinary season for Blackburn, however they did manage some silverware even if it was only the Worthington Cup. And Duffer has certainly been the highlight of the Ewood Park lot, if not the arrival of Cole from Man U. Damiens left hand winger work has scared the life out of his premiership opponents, and when for Ireland, aswell as a central striking roll for us also.

Phil Thompson watched in annoyance as bad weather conditions could not show Duffer in his true form against the U.S.A. last week. However If not Liverpool, then Newcastle United or even Arsenal may be the new home for Duffer. Souness on the other hand has different views. Duffer is obviously on Irishman Souness is not bias against. Duffer is poised to open new contract talks with Blackburn as Rovers bid to stave off reported interest from Liverpool and United. Time will tell

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